Miller & Sons To Attend 2017 NFDA Convention in Boston

October 20, 2017
Posted by: promiller1

Miller & Sons will be attending the 2017 National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) International Convention & Expo in Boston, MA.  We will be showcasing Miller & Sons Funeral Car Sales as the exclusive dealer for the S&S, Superior, Eagle and Federal Coach Lines in the Mid-South, Southwest and Inter-Mountain West.

The convention will take place October 29th to November 1st at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center.   Get more details on the NFDA Convention Website here:

If you are planning on attending the show, please stop by and say hello, we would love to meet you!

The NFDA International Convention is still the place to find the most continuing education offerings, the latest in funeral service products and services and the best networking opportunities around!

About NFDA

NFDA is the world’s leading and largest funeral service association, serving 19,700 individual members who represent more than 10,000 funeral homes in the United States and 49 countries around the world. NFDA is the trusted leader, beacon for ethics and the strongest advocate for the profession. NFDA is the association of choice because it offers funeral professionals comprehensive educational resources, tools to manage successful businesses, guidance to become pillars in their communities and the expertise to foster future generations of funeral professionals.

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